DISCLAIMER: This is going is a long story (rant), so be prepared.
Editor's note: their was know thyme to edit this post, sew forgive th errrrrors :)
So Baby Girl has a wiggly tooth and I've got to get crackin' on making a tooth fairy pillow! I made a boy version for a friend, like ya know 18 months (OR MORE) ago & kept saying, "I gotta make a girlie one for Miss H, but really, there's no rush."
Tooth fairy pillow front |
Tooth fairy pillow back |
(Boy version above: turned out super-cute. The front is can be displayed year-round & the back is for those toothy times).
Okay, back to my story...Thinking I had a LOT more time, I simply forgot about it, until last week when "Mom, MY TOOTH IS LOOSE!", came bounding into the kitchen. Of course, I always work better under pressure, so we immediately went looking through my hoards of fabric to create the perfect pillow for the upcoming toothy event.
Naturally, Baby Girl HAD to have fairy fabric, because...well...ya know...a fairy IS coming! I knew my local shops didn't have what we needed, so I started the long arduous process of googling for just the right pixie pattern. Everything I showed her was "NOPE", "ummm, that's not it", "there's not enough pink", "too tacky", etc. You get the point...she's knows what she's looking for and won't stop until she finds it. I finally come across this adorable Michael Miller fabric with the sweetest fairies you've ever seen. We both fall in love, BUT the print is apple green & there's no pink (aka: we have a problem). I assume there has to be other variations of this pattern that include pink, so I go about using my super-savvy searching techniques and bam...Michael Miller Petite Fairy in ROSE appears all google-fied! FOUND IT FOUND IT!!! I immediately order a yard (after seeking Baby Girl's final approval) and we are soooo excited.
Meanwhile, the tooth is getting looser & I'm getting nervous...like really nervous. But it'll be okay, because it just has to be okay. Shockingly, the fabric arrives one day after ordering. I run in the house all a buzz with the holy grail of fairy cotton and wouldn't you know it...it's LAVENDER!!!!! Like purple, not rose, not pink, lavender! At this point, Miss H kinda throws a hissy fit because this IS NOT WHAT SHE WANTED and I really feel for her...I mean really feel for her. I try to talk her into the purple, but it's NOT happening. So I email the fabric shop & they promise to send me the rose fairies asap.
And now we are still waiting for the rose fabric to hit the mailbox. But, I'm so excited to try out this project, that we decide to make a tooth fairy pillow for her cousin Krissy using the lovely lavender. Her teeth have a few years left to wiggle, but at least she'll be ready when they do. So, here's the first GIRLIE TOOTH FAIRY PILLOW and WE (yes, Miss H too), LOVE IT!
Stay tuned for the ROSE VERSION COMING SOON!!!!
-sew long